After my father died when I was only 7 years of age, my life became one of chaos, hate and destruction. With my mother having to carry the load of two parents to support her family, she was unable to provide the guidance that I needed. As a result, my life soon spiraled downward into violence, a 10-year crack addiction and crime. I had no regard for life or anything resembling it.
My life became helpless and too painful, so I decided the only way out was to end it all. In a closet at 3a.m., with a noose around my neck, I called my mother to say good-bye. It just happened however; that by this time she had come to know the Lord, and she convinced me to give my life over to Jesus.
Soon I fell in love with this Jesus. He became the answer to all of my pain. While in rehab, I searched for Him with all my heart. I had nothing to offer Him but the broken pieces of a shattered life. He showed me His love, care, mercy and grace. With immeasurably deep gratitude, I offered myself as a living sacrifice to His plan and purpose for my life. Teaching and healing others in His Kingdom became the all consuming passion of my life.
Since then I have travelled the world and seen many come to Christ with signs and wonders following. God has given me the ability and the honor to equip His people in a way that can only be described as miraculous. Through Facebook and YouTube, tens of thousands are being trained and equipped.
My life is living proof that if Christ can do this through me, He can do it with anyone who believes. From Kenya, Africa to the castles of Aberdeen, Scotland, to the slums of Mexico, and to the red light districts of Bangkok, Thailand. It is thrilling to see blind eyes opened, people rising out of wheel chairs, broken bones mending, and the dead being raised. Nothing can compare however, to the joy of witnessing the transformation in the lives of people yielding to Jesus as Lord and honoring the call of our heavenly Father.