“Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.”   2 John 1:9


Kingdom Building Partner

  • We are asking you as a Kingdom Building Partner to join closely with us as a monthly contributor to the ongoing work and developments within Royal Family International University and the School of Identity and Lifestyle. Your partnership will enable the continued growth and advancement of the Kingdom of God throughout the United States and into the nations with the great commission. Teaching the doctrine of Christ (2 John 1:9) “Who you are in Christ" and walking out the Kingdom of God as a lifestyle is increasing throughout the world. We are asking you to partner with us through this season of expansion. Above and Below are links that let you partner with us and join in the work we are doing together in Jesus name! 

We are asking you to partner with us through expanding the teaching of “who you really are in Christ” and walking out the Kingdom of God as a lifestyle. Here is how to join in the work today.

Join us as we bring the hope and glory found in the message of who you really are in Christ to a church in need of restoration and a body in need of healing.  Let's get crackin'


Branching Out into the World with Good News!

  • A Trusted Name

    Building a trusted name across  denominations and inter-faith communities across the globe. 

  • Original Content

    Delivering original premium media content with a fresh perspective for believers everywhere. 

  • Cross-Pollination

    Cross-pollinating between denominations to bridge the gap between belief systems .

  • Alumni Support

    Providing support infratstructure to thousands of alumni across the world through best in class technologies.

  • Going to the Masses

    Reaching the masses with innovative and creative content never before seen through CTV channels on Roku, AppleTv, FireTv and much more.

  • Expand the Kingdom

    Growing in order to encourage, contribute, donate and fund efforts through resources in the Kingdom of God.

Current U.S. and Overseas Royal Family International University Alumni and  Contacts. - A Whole Lot of Love!


Vision 2021 will see the growing network of Royal Family International University Alumni from the United States, London, India and now the Philippines with additional schools joined together.  Your partnership will help facilitate this amazing connection of the precious seed who are scattered around the world!

Thousands of denominations will learn about pepper!

Children's Videos & Workbooks

RFIU Clothing Line & Accessories

  • This will be the brick and mortar, ground level campaign to begin teaching by hands on ministry and demonstration of the power of God. Ministering and mentoring will be the goal of these church meetings. These gatherings will take place throughout the United States and abroad.  

  • Hosting and participating in annual conferences with scheduled radio interviews and television appearances will provide opportunities to spread the word about Royal Family International University and the School of Identity and Lifestyle. 

  • Distribution of flyers, mailers and the use of lists will encourage participation from believers and bring awareness to local residents by giving  notice that the Kingdom of God is about to invade their neighborhoods.  We will be teaching and preaching the gospel everywhere. 

uncensored independent premium content that can not be banned

Royal Family Media OTT S/A-VOD Platform Expands Kingdom Teaching!

  • New Believers

    Imagine if the day you received Christ you were introduced to the Back to Basics Work Book and these videos to help you understand who you became in Christ!

  • Bible Studies

    The foundation of a strong and mature believer is formed by assembling together to study scripture and developing relationship with Holy Spirit and one another.

  • Unique Teaching

    The revelatory teaching of God's word as it is administered by Pete Cabrera Jr., is helping to  transform the body of Christ. More of his teachings on Pepper, the carnal mind and drawing from the Spirit will all be available here

  • Discipleship

    Jesus said "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations" in Matt 28:19. Today this scripture continues to be fulfilled in your ears! Through  partnership with RFIU we can finish building this teaching platform as part of our 2020 Vision. 

  • Streaming Media

    Always on - always avaliable, 24/7 never ceasing, instant in season and out of season. Streaming day and night our dream to see the day when every screen is for Jesus. 


    Children learning the gospel from children and parents brought into the faith through T.V, cell phones, set top boxes, X-boxes and whatever else can be designed, built and manufactured to serve our Most High God! Amen. . . 

  • So Much . . .

    There is  much work that remains to be done in the Kingdom. The joy, love and power of walking out a lifestyle of identity in Christ is a lifetime journey. Be part of the adventure and partner with Royal Family International University. We are the sons and daughters of God that all creation awaits!

  • <- Click here to join us today as a one time Kingdom Foundation Partner or a recurring Kingdom Building Partner! 


Answers to 11 of Life's Most Important Questions

The best gift for every believer - new and established in the faith. I was tired of inconsistent teaching within the body that prevented believers from experiencing the life changing promises found in scripture. Instead of complaining about what I was seeing and experiencing while growing in Christ, I decided to write these thoughts down and bring solutions to some of these foundational issues.


"I always thought if I was going to hand a brand new believer a tool to thrive, it would be something like Back to Basics. It gets them on the right path immediately and answers hard questions that new believers have. It makes the gospel simple."   - Pete Cabrera Jr.

The Best Gift for Every Believer - New & Established in the Faith . . .